AHRLJ Volume 10 No 2 2010

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Reflections on the right to development: Challenges and prospects

by Mesenbet Assefa Tadeg
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The meaning of certain substantive obligations distilled from international human rights instruments for constitutional environmental rights in South Africa

by Erika de Wet and Anél du Plessis
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Exploring transitional justice as a vehicle for social and political transformation in Kenya

by Evelyne Asaala
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Towards more liberal standing rules to enforce constitutional rights in Ethiopia

by Adem K Abebe
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The right to demonstrate in a democracy: An evaluation of public order policing in Nigeria

by Isaac Terwase Sampson
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The right to inclusive education in Nigeria: Meeting the needs and challenges of children with disabilities

by Bukola Ruth Akinbola
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Discipline in Nigerian schools within a human rights framework

by Susanna Coetzee
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Recent Developments

The Nigerian Fundamental Rights (Enforcement) Procedure Rules 2009: A fitting response to problems in the enforcement of human rights in Nigeria?

by Enyinna Nwauche
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Customary law and the promotion of gender equality: An appraisal of the Shilubana decision

by Obeng Mireku
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The treatment of homosexuality in the Malawian justice system: R v Steven Monjeza Soko and Tiwonge Chimbalanga Kachepa

by Louise Price
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Like running on a treadmill? The 14th and 15th sessions of the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child

by Julia Sloth-Nielsen and Benyam D Mezmur
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Pretoria University Law Press (PULP)

The Pretoria University Law Press (PULP) is based at the Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, South Africa and endeavours to publish and make available innovative, high-quality scholarly texts on law in Africa. Visit the PULP website:


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Pretoria University Law Press / Centre for Human Rights
Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria
South Africa 0002
