AHRLJ Volume 11 No 1 2011

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Benign accommodation? Ukuthwala, 'forced marriage' and the South African Children's Act

by Lea Mwambene and Julia Sloth-Nielsen
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Revisiting corporate violations of human rights in Nigeria's Niger Delta region: Canvassing the potential role of the International Criminal Court

by Martin-Joe Ezeudu
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Disentangling illness, crime and morality: Towards a rights-based approach to HIV prevention in Africa

by Marius Pieterse
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The penalty of life imprisonment under international criminal law

by Esther Gumboh
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Social protection for Malawian migrants in Johannesburg: Access, exclusion and survival strategies

by Redson Edward Kapindu
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The utility of environmental rights to sustainable development in Zimbabwe: A contribution to the constitutional reform debate

by Tumai Murombo
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Local government and human rights: Building institutional links for the effective protection and realisation of human rights in Africa

by Conrad Mugoya Bosire
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Realising the right to primary education in Cameroon

by Serges Alain Djoyou Kamga
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The Inter-American human rights protection system: Structure, functioning and effectiveness in Brazilian law

by Valerio de Oliveira Mazzuoli
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Recent Developments

Human rights developments in African sub-regional economic communities during 2010

by Solomon T Ebobrah
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Developments in international criminal justice in Africa during 2010

by Wambui Mwangi
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The right to water in Botswana: A review of the Matsipane Mosetlhanyane case

by Bonolo Ramadi Dinokopila
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Making sense of the Rwandan Law Relating to Serving Life Imprisonment with Special Provisions

by Jamil Ddamulira Mujuzi
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Pretoria University Law Press (PULP)

The Pretoria University Law Press (PULP) is based at the Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, South Africa and endeavours to publish and make available innovative, high-quality scholarly texts on law in Africa. Visit the PULP website:


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Pretoria University Law Press / Centre for Human Rights
Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria
South Africa 0002
