AHRLJ Volume 14 No 1 2014

Published by Pretoria University Law Press (PULP)
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A sexual rights approach to addressing gender-based sexual violence among male prisoners in Malawi

by Godfrey D Kangaude
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Capital sentencing discretion in Southern Africa: A human rights perspective on the doctrine of extenuating circumstances in death penalty cases

by Andrew Novak
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Weak extraterritorial remedies: The Achilles heel of Ruggie’s ‘Protect, Respect and Remedy’ Framework and Guiding Principles

by Tebello Thabane
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Foreword: Law and religion in Africa: Comparative practices, experiences and prospects

by David M Kirkham and Cole Durham
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Law and religion: Living expressions and channels of co-operation

by Musonda Trevor Selwyn Mwamba
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Religion and the republican state in Africa: The need for a distanced relationship

by Kofi Quashigah
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From social hostility to social media: Religious pluralism, human rights and democracy in Africa

by M Christian Green
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Constitution, Charter and religions in South Africa

by Pieter Coertzen
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African traditional religion and the Catholic Church in the light of the synods for Africa: 1994 and 2009

by Jean-Baptiste Sourou
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Exploring the contours of African sexualities: Religion, law and society

by Sylvia Tamale
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Theologising the mundane, politicising the divine: The cross-currents of law, religion and politics in Nigeria

by Is-haq Olanrewaju Oloyede
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The Nigerian police force and the enforcement of religious criminal law

by Enyinna S Nwauche
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Insurgency in Nigeria: Addressing the causes as part of the solution

by Allswell Osini Muzan
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The troubled relationship of state and religion in Eritrea

by Daniel R Mekonnen and Selam Kidane
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Freedom of belief for minorities in states with a dominant religion: Anomaly and pragmatism

by Mark Hill
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Recent Developments

Human rights developments in the African Union during 2012 and 2013

by Magnus Killander and Bright Nkrumah
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Chart of Ratifications

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